What should my boyfriend and I talk about?

Ok so my boyfriend and I have been dating for like 5 months now, we know like everything about eacother, but we talk every night about what we did that day. Our relationship is good, I just need some great conversation starters to keep things going. Any ideas?

Answer #1

ask him how his family is doing or maybe just tell him whats been going on in your family. talk about new places that just opened up or some new things you saw on tv or at the store that you want. Hope this helps!

Answer #2

talking about sex always spice things up,

Answer #3

You must be kidding me! You do not know ANYTHING about each other, nothing that is! Propose a game… practice some tango (you’re a dancer ergo even if you’re not an expert for sure you’re familiar with a step or two) and then, bang!!, open up.

Ask questions. Ask him how he sees you and insist that he should be 100% sincere. Ask him about your faults. Tell him about his. Then tell him what’s so fantastic about him; something not even you (or him) knew just a sec ago.

Explore. You have no idea how much you still have to discover. A whole world… and it belongs to you in its entirety. Good luck!!

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