What should I think about this?

I have this friend that I just became friends with this month.. Hes really nice but he has a girlfriend and finds her a tad bit to controling for him ///but ya he ended up telling me he really likes me more then just a friend but then after that we never really talked about it he knows I like him back but he said he just cant break up with his girlfriend now (hes the type of guy that dont want to break anyone heart) (p.s.he lives right beside me // he always trys to wake up when I do so he can walk to school with me… And he always trys to make me laugh and he always walks me home after school .. He asks me what im doing but he cant hang with me because he tells me his girlfriend is comeing over to his house and ya when im siting by my self if he has he girlfriend he wll pick her up and slide her beside me so he can talk to me ikinda find it akward but he always flirts with me so whats going on does he like me or what?

Answer #1

No. It’s a little thing called ‘“trying to get in your pants.”‘ If he had any remote feelings for you (beyond physical attraction) then he would have dumped his girlfriend a long time ago. Saying he won’t break up with his girl because ‘“he doesn’t want to break anyones heart”‘ is the dumbest sack of shlt I have ever heard in my life. You’re just making excuses for him because you obviously like him, and don’t want him to be a bad guy. Whelp, he is. Please don’t fall for this game, just be realistic and use your head. Think about it. Don’t make someone your priority when you’re only his option.

Answer #2

Hmmm, doesn’t matter how nice or hot this guy is or how crap this current relationship is, he has a girlfriend so he’s off-limits for the time being..

Seriously, why would you be interested in a guy who is dating someone and is making a move on another girl (YOU)…if they break up and he ends up going out with you, are you going to be strong and secure enough to trust he won’t act this way towards another girl when he is YOUR boyfriend?

Girls and guys can be platonic friends as long as the person who has the crush on the other person doesn’t say or let on about their feelings, otherwise the friendship isn’t platonic anymore. :)

Answer #3

umm I unno he seem to like you but if he cant cant break up with his girlfriend well maybe this guy aint your guy… and you guys should just stay friends…

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