What should I tell him other than that???

Sumtimes he’ll ask meh and ill say no but then he’ll say well I g2g ok ill say why do you always do that when you ask for an sexy pics he said I don’t know…

Answer #1

He is trying to manipulate you into sending him pictures. Is a game some creepy guys play. Some guys do the same but trying to get sexual favors. Do not fall for it!!!. If you are underage then is child porn to send nude pics of yourself on the internet or your phone. Once your pic is out there then is on the web forever. Can’t undo it.

Answer #2

You really need to type out your questions in a more understandable fashion.

From what I’m making of this mess, he asked you for sexy pics, you said no, then he said he had to go…?

Obviously he only wants one thing from you…I’d say you’re wasting your time with the guy.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice