What should I talk about?

Okay well I’ve been talking to this guy on the phone that I really like but we’ve talked about mostly everything and like now we have nothing to talk about and it gets really quiet and I hate it. He asks me to talk about something but I don’t know what to talk about so I need you guys to help me pick a topic to talk about or questions to ask him :] Thanks :]

Answer #1

Sounds like you’ve come to the point in your relationship where it would be easier to see each other to make the conversation easier! If this isn’t possible then I suggest making the phone conversations shorter so you don’t have too much dead air time together. Lots of subjects are possible but it depends on what you find interesting. Of course talking about daily events in ones lives, relationships with our friends and family are very important subjects. Next there are subjects that can vary from hobbies or general interests (art, politics, sports, etc.). Try finding out what he likes and learn about it so you can talk about it with him. Good luck!

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