What should I sing for the drama audition?

The highest I can reach comfortably is high F. I naturally have a soft voice, but I can make it project. The musical is Wicked.

Answer #1

I would suggest singing ‘The Wizard and I’ where Elphaba comes in. A very strong part with lots of opportunities to project that voice.

Answer #2

I would not do something from the musical you are auditioning for. You should choose a song from a musical by the same composer, Stephen Swartz. Try Pippin, Godspell or Children of Eden. He also wrote music for the movies Pocahontas, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Prince of Egypt and Enchanted.

Corner of the Sky from Pippin(although sung by a male) is very similar to Defying Gravity. Eden Epsinosa (who starred as Elphaba on broadway) played Pocahontas at Disney Land. Just around the river bend and Colors of the Wind are good choices too although they may be too easy to sing. Somewhere Out there from Hunchback is another good one(although also sung by a male)

hope this helps! xox Sika

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