What should I say to him?

My ex- xavier asked me out.. What should I say? I really like this other guy but he never talks to me, he only stares at me, so yeah should I wait for the guy I like, which im not sure if he’ll ever talk to me, or go with my ex? Yeah I like my ex kinda.. Help me?

Answer #1

lol..now you just sound board honey1..that’s typical at your age though, look..he is your ex- for a reason..leave it that way..the one you have your eye on might NOT ask you out anyway if he see you have “settled” for what you dropped in the first place… just be avail. but don’t wait.

Answer #2

lol..now you just sound board honey1..that’s typical at your age though, look..he is your ex- for a reason..leave it that way..the one you have your eye on might NOT ask you out anyway if he see you have “settled” for what you dropped in the first place… just be avail. but don’t wait. If you think about it, you are not taking anyone back..he would be taking “U” back after you were brushed off..that is more humiliating than not hooking the one that got away. Remember! there will always be a girl to take your place, and that’s O.K. doesn’t mean she’s better than you! just keep in mind, when she starts acting like they are sooo happy together you already have the 411 on how this guy is…you know better!

Answer #3

GO out with your ex to make him jelis.

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