What should I say to a guy who keeps squeezing my butt?

I’m 13 and there’s this guy at school who keeps squeezing and pinching my butt when I pass him in the hall or when I bend down to pick sumthin up or anythin like that. I try to avoid him, but I have 3 classes with him, so it’s hard. It makes me uncomfortable and embarresed because sumtimes my friends see. I told him to stop or I’d tell a teacher, but he just said, “Ok,” and kept doin it. I don’t wanna tell a teacher or parent because… I dunno. I just don’t. What should I tell him?

Answer #1

Try telling your parents about the problem if your to nervous to tell your head teacher or year head yourself - although you might be needed to give a statement and such.


If this is too much, ask your friend to stay by you when your moving around in the corridor (like a ring of protection). Try to sit away from him in classes, don’t give him any opening to grope you and ingore him at all costs.

The longer you leave it, the more this guy is gonna think he can sexual harrass you, and that could lead to something more serious. He thinks he can get away with this is because your not taking action and your threats seem rather empty.

I had a problem like this a few years back, only there were two guys in older years at school and I was just starting my first year (freshmen or whatever term you’d like to use. I must have been 13 as well.) I ended up telling the year head cause I burst out in tears in the corridor over it. One of them got excluded for a while and had to write a personal apology to me. I never got bothered by him again. The other I never did get reported, and I regret that now if I see him in the street.

Good luck honey. x

Answer #2

This happened to me when I first started high school as they guys thought it was a hilarious joke. At first it was funny but then it got really annoying very soon. The best thing to do is to tell a teacher although what I did is clock the guy in the face even though it wasn’t the best or sensible idea it worked.

Answer #3

Salp him in the face and threaten to press charges for sexual harrassment. If he just goes ooo in sarcastic fear next time he does it press charges.

Answer #4

hes sexually harassing you and that is no on this time, actually tell the teacher he needs to be told off for what hes doing and the teacher will tell him how when a girl says no, she MEANS no so tell the teacher and next time he does it tell him to “‘f*ck off”‘, dont be polite, be stern tell him to eff off and you could also slap his hand away

Answer #5

Say ‘Buddy, I know I got it good back there but I spoke to my Lawyer/cop uncle and if you touch me again I will do you for sexual harassment, think Im kidding, I got the cops on speed dial!

Might just need to be blunt! And he wont know if your uncle is a lawyer or cop.

Or tell him that people are starting to talk and they saying he a dirty little pervert!

I only say to lye because he not listening to you, honesty is the best policy, to start with!

Answer #6

Boys at this age can just be horny bastards, but it doesn’t give anyone the right to touch you like that, at any age or for any reason. Report him anonymously through a letter to the principal. If he is doing this stuff in the hallway, a lot of people are seeing him do it. There’s no way he can prove it had to be you that turned him in.

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