What should I put on me and my friends bucketlist?

Ok me and my friend autumn we are 13 and going to turn 14 over the summer and we are making a bucketlist of everything we should do before college. And so far we have go to concert, get searched by police, and eating caveair (fish eggs). Help

Answer #1

We are planning on going to winter jam and buying VIP passes and talking to Toby Keith. And etc.

Answer #2

hows about learn a new language, make a band, or learn how to play and instrument? martial arts is a good idea too, as well as entering a competition to earn cash.

good luck!

Answer #3

I always thought it would be cool to go to all fifty states:) or ask out your crush get kicked out of a bar(club) this onee is stupid but really funny-go to taco bueno(or bell) and ask if they have sushi:D dye your hair neon color be in a tv show on disney or nick I don’t know what ever you want!

Answer #4
  1. make a giant cookie(I did that last weekend with my bff).
  2. go to a place where nowon knows you and dress really goth.
  3. scream somthing stupid infront of a silent crowd
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