What should I include in my story?

I’m writing a story to publish online but I want it to be really good and for people to like it. Can you tell me what sort of things you like to see in a book because I would like to write something that everyone enjoys. Thanks in advance.

Answer #1

I started a story called Vampire city online and it is full of romance- something I think everyone wants to see in a book. So, romance and laughter.

Answer #2

of course romance. everyone has a soft side for that deth- sadness. everyone wants a book that plays with their hearts. action - you want to keep them thriving for more. suspence- there going to want to figure out whats somming next. humor - we all wanna crack a lauph. gorey - gross us out a little. horrior - we all wanna jump out of our skin scared put klilling to read the next part. in my oppinion the best writeres are the ones that can combine all of this into one -good luck!

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