What should I go with ivan?

Okay so I really like this guy named ivan hes in the same grade but he dont have any classes with me and im like falling in love with him he calls me every nigh and he hugs me in he halls but he hugs other girls in the halls to we hang after school and hes kinda shy but hes also kinda prude like ill be cold and he’ll try to hug me to get me warm and he pats my back he dont do it rite and I dont date prude guys im really not prude anyway I said yes to this guy mario because we were flirting and hes nice but I really like ivan I’ve asked him out and he said no but that was before we even knew eachothers names should I break up with mario and take the chance or stay because what if ivan dont want to date me help!!! Please sorry for length

Answer #1

why are you with mario, you think that’s fair for you and him?

the answer is obvious

Answer #2

How do you ask someone out before you know their name?

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