What Should I Get With Hip Piercing... Dermals Or Bars?

I Have Been Wanting To Get Hip Piercings For A Long Time. People Tell Me I Should Get Dermals, But Then My Piercer Told Me To Get Bars. Dermals Don’t Regect But They Can Get Ripped Out Easier. Bars Are More Likely To Be Regected But Safer To Have In Case Of Something being Tugged On Them.. What Would Be The Best Route To Take… Bars, Even Though They Will Regect? or Dermals, Even Though Easier To Be Ripped Out Of Skin?? :S I Don’t Know!!

Answer #1

These are what I’m talking about. Good Luck.

Answer #2

Ok first off, dermals do reject. My roomie had dermals on her upper cheek and one began to reject. She took very good care of them and yet it still rejected. Any type of piercing has the chance to reject. It just depends on your body. I had serface piercings on my pecks, and after about 7 months they began to reject. Same with my serface piercing on the top of my wrist. I highly suggest that you dont get any sort of surface piercing. Whether it’s dermal or barbells, it still has the risk of infection rejection and getting ripped out. They may look hot or different, but trust me, you’re not the first person to have it done. If you want something personal and only you will have it, I suggest a tattoo that you design yourself.

Answer #3

Get microdermals. Why would you waste money on a piercing if you knew it would just reject anyway? Watch out for it and remember they are there and they’ll be alright. If you do go with the bars, there are these bars, I forget what they’re called, but they’re not curved like the bar for a belly ring, the best I can describe them is like, towel holder shaped. They are a bit more expensive then the other ones, but help against migration and eventually rejection. Also, it’s movement and irritation that mostly causes rejection so to prevent a lot of movement you can put those huge band aids over the bars to lessen movement. Don’t wear belts and just watch the top of your pants. I hope to be getting microdermals on my hips too, but my parents get upset anytime I talk about it. aha They say I have too many piercings. -Good Luck.

Answer #4

well, either way the bars will come out because the hips are a surface piercing, the piercing gets pushed out as your skin grows so they will inevitably grow out at some point with the bars the dermals cant grow out since there under the skin however they will hurt a lot more than the bars and there will be a lot more blood when getting them done and as the piercer said, there also a bit easier to be ripped out

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