What should I expect at my first major house party???

A friend of mine is having a house party in a couple of weeks and im embarressingly nervous. Shes been to them but I havnt and I really need some advice. I’m a girl so what should I wear?? and what should I expect? Like theres gunna be guys and I really like this guy thats coming and omg im like sooo nervous. thxxx<3

Answer #1

Yeah, there’s nothing worse than a loud sloppy drunk. I hate them so much. Aha. All they do is yell, spill beer, and trip over themselves. It’s like, gosh ! Pull yourself together. Anyways, bring him a drink and just get to talking about your intrests and his.

Answer #2

it depends on the peron’s whose throwing it For some it’s just like a get together, other’s throw a party party, or it could be anywhere inbwteen Ask the person whose throwing it

Answer #3

if you really want to impress that one guy dont wear something that will make you look like a hooker so go with some skinny jeans and a cute tank top with some jewlry but not to much just like a necklace if you have long hair wear it up in a cute teased ponytail if it is short leave it down and straight and with the jeans if you like high heels wear them but only like a 4 or 5 inch heel or just regular vans make a good impression go and talk to him bring him an unopened drink and sit down with him just dont get to wild cause the more you drink the more you can embarrass your self and you dont want that

Answer #4

Is there going to be alcohol? If so, do not drink anything already opened or something that someone else poured for you. If you choose to drink only drink enough to get a buzz going, but don’t get wasted. Also, if someone is making gagging sounds get away from them fast. They might accidently throw up on you. Things will probably get broken, and people will be loud and obnoxious. Maybe there will be some dancing going on? Haha, I don’t know what you consider to be a party.

Answer #5

thers guna be alcohol and dancing if people are hammered enough

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