What should I do with this thing with my boyfriend?

okay so long story short lately me and my boyfriend havent been talking much becuase his got queit abit on his plate (college work, finding a job). It’s been more than a week now and im finding it extremly hard not speaking to him, he used to come on msn but since his laptop has been broken for some he has to share a computer with the rest of his family which adds up to 8 people so you can imagine how hard it is to catch him online. I called him the other night (he cant call me back because his got no credit) I tried for about 2 hours but it would go straight to the answer machine, the night after I didnt call him, we didnt speak all day yesterday so I thought I’d call him at night but when I called it went straight to the answer machine so I didnt bother calling again. I really miss him I don’t know what to do I never see him online and when I try to call him it goes straight to the answer machine any advice?

Answer #1


I’m sorry to say it, but if he isn’t making the effort, he might just be over the relationship. Doesn’t matter how busy a person is, I’m sure then can squeeze in 15 minutes a day just to phone or check up on the person they are in a relationship with.

I suggest stop phoning and contacting him and see if he calls you back, if he doesn’t try and get hold of him and tell him that it is over. (that is if he isn’t already planning on how to tell you)

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