What should I do with this guy?

Ok so my best friend went out with this guy a couple months ago and then she dumped him to become a lesbian and now she hates him for some reason even tho she dumped him first. And now I like him and he likes me and I told my friend and she got mad so I said I wouldnt go out with him but the problem is I reallly really really like him…what can I do? I mean she doesnt even like guys anymore and she said she never really liked him in the first place…help me please?

Answer #1

Your letting your friend decide for you? Sorry thats a no go. If you like him you don’t need her approval to go out with him, friends typically support you in these type of things. In her case however she has no reason to say no, she is a lesbian according to what you said and she shouldn’t care unless the guy is some kind of player. I really don’t get why she doesn’t want you with him and you said she doesn’t even like him. Thats a bit odd of her, if shes a close friend of yours then there are several things to weigh in, go out with him and lose her or the complete opposite.

Honestly though I would try to get her to understand. In a sense she is preventing you of having a wonderful experience with a guy you like and thats not right. If you want you can try and talk to her about it and see why she doesn’t want you with him. Get her to talk about her perspective and then you can voice out your own. In the end though the ball is in your court.

Answer #2

myy ex is like that and a few of my friends are so, I know how ya feel. you need to sit down and talk to her make sure that is a pretty good mood, and let her know how you feel about him, and then let her tell you how she feels about you going out with him, maybe there’s a reason why she got upset about yall liking each other or she’s juss jealous type and not a true best friend.

Answer #3

Well friends are forever so ask her why she doesn’t like him. Did he do something wrong, act like a jerk, be mean, say somethingg mean, be a jack@$$. If you really like him you will still like him in a year

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