What should I do with my on off girlfriend?

My situation is extremely complicated. The run down on it is, I’m bi sexual, 19 and I’m in love with a 24 year old who I met last year. She’s in love with me and wants to be with me and all the rest. But the problem is she also loves her best friend, whom she’s been in love with for almost 2 years or so now. She tells me she wants me and wants kids etc with me, but she can’t stand to lose her best friend who hates me. I don’t know. I’ve been stuffed around for the past 7 months-ish and I’m coming to a point of where I just don’t know. I don’t want to let her go, but I don’t know anymore. Please help. And I really don’t want gay bashing. It doesn’t hurt me but I just find it immature.


Answer #1

If she wants to be build a future with you then she needs to tell the bestfriend to respect her decision and be polite to you. She then needs to stick up for you if the bestfriend steps out of line. If she won’t do this and put you first then you need to rethink your relationship with her.

Answer #2

I don’t believe you. Get a boyfriend, if you can.

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