Is she just pretending to love me?

I love a girl ..but I don’t know if she loves me or not … She pretends to love me .. but she denies me when I ask for a kiss .. what should I do?

Answer #1

I think you need to elaborate more for anyone to even attempt to answer your question.

I like to think of love as an action and not just an emotion.

Answer #2

does she deny everytime, or just every once in a while. if it’s only occasionally, maybe she’s just playing with you. if it’s all the time, there’s a lot of reasons she might do this. 1.she is afraid to

  1. something in her past has made her hate contact of any kind (not as likely, but i’ve seen it)
  2. she doesn’t love you, but you’re still growin on her
  3. she’s using you(not too often, but still a possibility) if you want to really find out, go talk to her about it. she’s the only one that can tell you if she loves you, and the reasons for her actions. otherwise, the problem, will never subside best of luck homestar_runner3
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