What should I do with my life now?

In 2006, I quit high school. In 2007, I got my GED, while going to college. In 2008, I got my certification for a CNA, so I could get a job and go to school for RN. Since then I haven’t been able to find a job, in any field. Now my GPA has dropped so much that I lost my financial aid and can’t go back to school until I can paid for it myself. Now that I am not going to school I will lose my health insurance. I really don’t know what to do.

Answer #1

Have you tried aplaying for a lot of [laces at onece because there is a lot of jobs for cna and nurses… well here at Denver… But it is all your choice there is a job outhere for you is just that you have to try till the end and also want the job… be doing something that you like to do.,..


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