What should I do with my girlfriend?

ok so I’ve been dating my current girlfriend for 3 years and everything is good except the fact that I got news that im deploying later this summer. so I would like yalls opinion on whether or not I should ask her to marry me befor I go or not. or tell me what you would do if you were in my situation. thanks and god bless america!

Answer #1

Well you have obviously been with her long enough to decide if you want to be with her for the rest of your life, so if you are serious…and I mean really serious this is for the rest of your life through thick and thin bad time and good times and I mean this is a HUGE commitment…you don’t want to engage to her and change your mind etc. So if you know for SURE then I say yes ask her!!! It makes it a lot easier for married couples being in the military opposed to non-married. It can save the relationship with her being able to live on bases with you etc. I am sure there are more benefits, but I am not in the military I just have many friends who are. Good luck and make sure it’s an extremely thought out and romantic proposal that will definately show her how much she means to you!

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