What should I do with my girlfriend?

My girlfriend is 18 and graduating May 21st of this year. Im 16 and will be graduating in 2012. Shes wanting to go to College at OCU(which is 100 miles away) We had plans to move to Canada with each other but this came in the way. im hopin it will last if she goes. I love her to death. What should I do to keep her here and if not here then how do I keep the relationship going???

Answer #1

dont try to keep her where you are…she will not, and should not, even if she loves you. 100 miles isnt that far. My advice is to get a skype and just talk constantly. it will be hard but you can make it work.

Answer #2

its all about trust. if shes faithful throughout college, your good to go. im about to be thousands of miles away from my girlfriend w/o seeing her for 7 months. if you both truly love each other, you both will remain faithful. I know how it feels.

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