what should I do with my feelings?

Ok so I been talking to this guy for a couple of months already now and im really starting to like him I even belive im starting to love him but the problem is that girls are constanly telling me things about him this girl that he used to talk to told me he was engaged in d.r and that he wasnt takin nobody serious I confronted him about it but he denied it he said that she was lieing because she doesnt want him to be with nobody else but her but im always expressing my feelings towards him and all he ever says is I like you a lot too but I dont like to show it I mean he’s really nice to me and I feel a connection but I still wonder and on top of that he’s going to dr on the 18 he said we would still talk when he comes back but who knows can you please help me?

Answer #1

I think, there shouldnt be any real worry but just keep an eye on him and his attitude around other girls. But, dont get jealous or anything if he talks to em’ just moniter it a bit. Your friend may be right- he may just want to play games- but until there is better evidence of it just keep doin what your doin :) hope this somewhat helps!

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