What should I do with boyfriend fighting with his friends cz of me?

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. We’re very serious planning to get married when time is right. I’m 20 he’s 22. I was very good with his friends I liked them and they liked me back. It happenned that one of his friends read a chat log I had with my boyfriend where I said that I didnt really like his girlfriend. He got mad and asked my boyfriend to tell me that I have to apologize. My boyfriend didnt agree. Also, another friend of his claimed that he saw me talking with this guy that my boyfriend had forbidden me to talk to. I know he doesnt mean to hurt us but I dont know why he came up with this story. All this built up and his friends turned against him. Today he had a fight with them and literally ended up all relations between them. Will he blame me for this? He spends most of his time with them and I cannot make up for that. When he’s bored will he blame it on me? What should I do?

Answer #1

OH LORD girl this is not good, not good at all, first of all yes eventually he could blame you, I know right now he swears he wont but later on things may change. Second, I really have a red flag issue with the fact that your boyfriend has “Forbidden” you to talk to someone, WTF? is that all about, he does not own you, he may prefer it if you did not talk to someone else and you should choose to respect that request but forbid? Third, never ever dis a man’s woman, no matter what, he cannot see flaws or chooses to overlook them or whatever but never publicly dis a mans girl, especially to his friend. You and your boyfriend need to apologize for sure, not because you dislike her but because he is offended by your actions, you can say something like, “While it is true I do not like (girls name) because (reasons) it was wrong of me to discuss it with (boyfriends name) and I am sorry that this hurt your feelings and has caused a riff between you and (boyfriends name)” then leave it alone. These guys need to stop thumping their chests and grow up. It is natural that they want to defend their women, but they are also afraid of losing their friendships, trust me, once married that is it, you do not see your friends that much anymore, I am the single guy all my friends are married, I am 40 so who am I hanging out with, single guys in their 20’s why? Because that is just what happens when guys get married. They need to sort this out between themselves in a rational, objective manner while the friendships can still be salvaged. Good Luck to you all.

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