What should I do when my boyfriend is a bar star??

My boyfriend is a barstar and I need some advice

Im not a fan of his behaviour and dont know what to do. We have been dating for almost 4 months. He goes out almost every weekend to the bar and almost always gets drunk, passes out at home and wakes up with a hangover. He’s 25 and he still does this.

Sometimes he’ll take me along and other times he just goes with his guy friends.

I guess what really bugs me is:

  1. He says he goes out to have drinks, get out of the house with his friends and ‘people watch’. Why not do that at a pub instead of a bar with tons of women?

  2. I know that girls approach him because I have seen it/heard it from him. Im trying to trust him but I get annoyed when I see/hear of girls doing this.

My friends laugh at me because of my bar star boyfriend and I dont know what to do! Please help!!

Answer #1

Well he needs to get his life straight, if this is what he WANTS to do then well let him, noone is saying you HAVE to put up with it. You have the power to end the relationship, if this is not what you want then talk to him about how annoying it is and how its affecting your relationship. If he refuses to change then end it, its not your fault and you deserve to be happy.


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