What should I do when I bring a puppy home?

I’m getting a puppy in about two weeks. Should I introduce her to my other dogs one at a time? Will she be lonley after being taken away from her mom and siblings? What are some good puppy food brands? Do you recommend me getting a crate for her to sleep in? I know thats a lot of questions, but any tips would be great. thanks!

Answer #1

Missing her family: First off, it depends where your adopting her. If adopted her from a place where stray dogs go, she was most likely already separated from her siblings/parents. Dogs however aren’t like people. If a dog has been with it’s parents and siblings for years, it is likely to miss them, but eventually the dog will get over it, it doesn’t go into depression from a death of a friend or sibling like people can do. If the dog is a puppy, the dog can’t have been with their families for more than 11 months. Considering your getting a puppy and considering even 11 months is unlikely, your dog is most likely going to not notice it much. However, if your dog does tend to take to dogs more than people, and has been with her family for 11 full months, there is a chance that your dog may show several signs of missing his family such as waiting by the front door and whimpering or slight fear toward other dogs. In any event, this can be easily fixed by giving the dog lots of love, and showing in every way possible you are not going to abandon your dog. As for introduction to other dogs, if your getting it from a kennel of some kind, or a place where stray dogs or surrendered dogs go, and any of your other dogs are under about 5 years of age, your supposed to try and separate them for 8 or so days, in case your new dog has kennel cough. If it does, it can spread to your other (young) dogs, causing you to have to take that many more dogs to the vet. The reason it’s 8 or so days is because it can take that long to show symptoms (coughing). Older dogs aren’t as much of an issue because by then, from little bits of the virus here and there, they usually develop an immunity to it. If you can’t seperate them though which is understandable, it’s okay. Kennel cough is not very serious. If your dog has it, you just give it medicine (ask your vet). But if your other young dogs are exposed to your other dog with it, it can just cause some more hassle to you. When you do introduce your dog to other dogs, it’s recommended you do it one at a time and put your new dog, and the dog you want to introduce on a leash. Then walk them by each other. If neither of them show signs of aggression, let them interact. If fighting does occur, try the same routine again later. If this continues, ask your vet or a professional who can help you. If your dogs just don’t seem to like each other, or if one is trying to dominate the other, don’t worry, they will eventually work it out. If however you can’t stop the fighting, you have to respect the dogs you already have, and may need to give your new dog back. Neutro dog food is a bit expensive but is very good according to the trainer we hired for our dog. Iams is good too, but because it is corn based, is not the best in hot areas since corn is not something that helps you keep a good body temperature. Also, if your dog becomes very gassy, it’s probably best to switch to neutro, or a different dog food recommended by your vet. As for the crate, crates have advantages and disadvantages. Crates are cages, which is why many people don’t like them. You will probably need a crate if your dog isn’t already potty trained until it gets potty trained. If it is, it’s your choice. It can help if you have a dog who chews everything, and you need to run an errand, or if you live in a very hot or very cold place and you are for example having friends over, but don’t want to put your dog outside (make sure though to take your dog out to go potty every now and then if you do this). If your dog is potty trained however, and you live in a very hot or cold area, you can get a playpin. It’s basically just a fence that stretches out to give the dog more room then a crate, but makes sure your dog doesn’t jump on your guests or run around the house.(again, make sure to take your dog to go potty every so often if you do this)

Answer #2

You need to get all her shots and stuff before you do any of that puppys can get sick easily but then again introduce her to our dogs but dont take her around dogs you dont know for a while, I just got a puppy myself so yea.

Answer #3

Absolutely get a crate. Let your dog get into a routine for the first two or three days. After she eats, take her out. After she naps, take her out. After she plays, take her out. These are the three times that dogs usually have to eliminate. Put her in the crate and leave the room for a few minutes, then come back, let her out of the crate, put a leash on her and immediately take her outside. Gradually increase the amount of time you leave her in the crate (no more than 5 minutes over the first few days, no more than 4 times in the crate per day). She’ll get used to being in the crate, will know that you’re coming back, and will hold it until you arrive, knowing that she’ll have a chance to go when you return.

There’s a good book with a chapter all about the critical first 72 hours after you get your dog home. It’s called “Your Adopted Dog” (or “The Adopted Dog”). You can get it on Amazon.

Answer #4

I guess it all depends on the temperment of your dogs. When I brought my pup home to my four other dogs I just set him down in the middle of the living room floor. He was a little scared. I did’t say anything or touch anyone. I just let them all sniff and check eachother out. If one of them seemed to get too exciteded then I’d just say “NO” in a firm voice. and they would all calm back down.( I am alfa after all.) After that everything was fine and they’ve been best friends since. I have create trained before and it works really well for some dogs. This last one that I got I never used a create. I just took him outside as much as I thought of him which was about every half hour. Every time I took him out I said “Potty”, and then praised him when he was done. He caught on very fast. He is a lab mix and I must say that for the first year he didn’t always have complete control over his bladder muscles. If he’d get really excited he’d start to go and I’d calmly escort him out the door. Never punish them for a misttake like that. When they are babies they know what they are supposed to do but sometimes they cant always hold it because their muscles aren’t fully developed. Now that he’s two he NEVER makes those kinds of mistakes. I wish you the best of luck…have lots of fun with your new pack!

Answer #5

When we got our dog we fed him Purina Puppy Chow, and me personaly I would for sure recomend a kenal/crate for you dog. Put him in there at night and when you guys leave to go some where. When eats or drinks anything take him out to do his buisness and take him to the same spot each time. If he does have an accident in the house do not punish him…only reward success with a treat. When you do take him outside keep telling him ‘ do your biusness, do your buisness ‘. And yes becareful when you introduce him to your other dogs because they may be protective. He may miss is family and what he was used to but once he settles in he will be fine. Good luck!! :)

Answer #6

Yes…get a crate. That helps with housetraining, and it gives the new pup a place of it’s own to go…

For the intro…one dog at a time…both puppy and dog on leashes. You’ll be able to tell which of your adult dogs might end up being a problem…tho a puppy is usually much less threatening to a territorial dog, than if you were bring in an adult. YOU will have to be vigilent and protective, until such time that you know the other dogs have accepted him into the pack. HE WILL DEPEND ON YOU TO PROTECT HIM!!!

There are a lot of good puppy foods out there…my preference would be Eagle Pack…it’s not much more expensive than Purena, but it’s holistic, and meat based.


Answer #7

During the intro process be careful. Your current dogs may be protective or territorial. You will want to do it in a neutral setting like outside or even better if you can some where not in your dogs area at all. Stand away from both of them, you don’t want anyone getting jealous, my mom made the mistake of holding the new pup during the intro and it went badly.

Answer #8

just a quick fix, its nutro not neutro food. -Animal lover101

Answer #9

I know that puppies do a lot of whinning at night time and try keeping the puppy on the same puppy food due to them getting diahrea. I put mine in a crate at night with a stuffed animal. That seems to work for me.

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