What should I do , what does it mean ?

Well I like this guy ,and yeah . I sent him a request on a social site and then he imed me and whatever, and my friend swears he likes me, so what should I do to find out if he likes me or not what are signs or whatever ? What could I say to carry on the conversation ?

Answer #1

well as a male my self. its always flattering when a girl tells me she likes me just point blank… and as for carrying conversations… find out a little about the music he likes and sports and junk like that… and then maybe start pushing questions… maybe even make a game -the quesiton game :D- its something that people really should do, just to get thebackround information down.. you know? as for signs? … guys are normally not to forward… but I guess if he asks you out.. maybe thats a sign… I don’t know… im pretty dence. hope I helped.

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