What should I do..vibrators/masturbation/ect?

Im 14 I’ve been masturbating for a while now. I watched porn for the first time like 6 months ago, and I almost got hooked, then I found my moms vibrator, and I love it, I sneek it out of her room and I use iit and I cum. But heres my questions 1)Is it okay to use my moms virator, should I ask for my own?!?!If not, what else could I use 2)Now that I’ve used a vibator for so long when I finger myself I get no pleasure, whyyy? and will I get pleasure from sex?

Answer #1
  1. I pray you sanatize the vibrator before and after you use it! But still that is a little weird. You could ask your mom for your own but I doubt she would say yes…
  2. I had the same problem…I made myself stop using the vibrator so much and after a while I learned how to make using my finger more pleasurable. Try different techniques and positions and yes you will get pleasure from sex.
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