What should I do , still like him or not?

blah. well I made the question clear from the title . I liked this guy and I found out he doesnt like me but he doesnt knwo me that much and he just stopped talking to me :/ I need someone who has gone thro. this before … should I just give up or what ?

Answer #1

That’s really a tough one, and I’ve been in your shoes before. First, moving on is hard to do, but it’s something you’ll have to deal with: either now, or later, but it happens all the time. It doesn’t mean you’re not worth liking, it just means that he perhaps has different tastes in girls.

That said, know that relationships can grow from surprising beginnings. Always keep that in mind. But the question you should really ask yourself is, “Can I be okay with just being friends?” If yes, then try to get to know him, purely as friends. There’s a chance something can grow from it. If nothing develops, though, just know that there’s always someone else that can be more “right” for you.

Answer #2

I think you should move on.. strt flirting withother guys.. and make him think your not intersested anymore. this will makehim want you to like him and he might like youback. :)

Answer #3

see hes known I’ve liked him since october and weve been talking since then and he said I was preety and like everytime I went to his hs like he would hug me and stuff but like then I found out he doesnt so I wrote him a long message explaining that im okay being just friends and that im okay with it when really im not :/ and we were fine after that but then he just stops talking to me . but I want to just get over him and thats what im trying to do but now I just hate him :/

Answer #4

Just tell him you understand he doesn’t like you, and that you just want to be friends with him. Then if he gets to know you he might like you, if not then just be friends.

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