Should I leave her or stay with her?

So me and my girlfriend have been fighting a lot lately and I brought up this problem I have with her about her friend…she knows that I dont like him and well yea here it is…she says that they are bestfriends and she had this braclet of his its gold she had it on 4 3 years and she never took it off until I found out avout it and I feel messed up because when I give her stuff she only wears it for a while and then takes it off…so now she dont wear that braclet no more I know im jealous but that really bothered me a lot…especially when I told her that I dont want her 2 talk 2 him no more…she stayed quiet then I told her would you stop talkin 2 him 4 me and she said the truth no I wont and that got me really down because she chose him over me and we have had 2 years and 10 months 2gether…right now im not talking 2 her and she isnt either 2 me I really love her but I don’t know… I really need some1ns advice on this what would anyone do in my position please help me I would really appreciate it thanx

Answer #1

hey thanx

Answer #2

You need to understand that she will keep her friends no matter what. Unfortunately in that area none of us can interfere. She is firm about it. You will need to adjust and adapt to that reality. If you really love her, and trust her everything should be just fine. Once she sees you deposit that trust in her, she will be more drawn to you and your bond will be stronger.

Answer #3

Well if you really lover her like you say you do which I dont doubt at all then you will stay with her because your love can be stronger then any friendship. Ask her about it. Ask her to tell you about there friendship why there such good friends, how did they get to me friends. It may get you to understand and even maybe to like the guy. its ok for her to have a close friend but it is normal to be jealouse but if you trust there is nothing to worry about. Also for the whole gift thing its just more material stuff try giving her something really sentimental and not just materialistic something you can both do together or remeber. I hope my advice helped and im sorry if it didnt I wish you the best of luck

Answer #4

You should talk to her about it if you really love her and want to be with her. Talk to her about her friendship with the other guy and tell her how you feel. Good Luck!

Answer #5

I’ve been in a similar situation. Girl simply have best mates that can be threatening to their bfs. It’s just seems to turn out that way. But thejewellery wearing thing can be interpreted differently. She has obviously known this guy for a few years, and perhaps it’s not because of her best friend type feelings for Him but it may remind her of something they wentthrough together, or just the close relationship they have. Or she could match her jewellery to her outfits or something at thetime (I do that with my bfs jewellery, so it’s possible). I would apologize for asking her not to talk to him, this is her best friend. Girls need someone else to gossip to about things, and it just so happens that her Besty is a guy. Nogirl wants to be told she can’t talk to her besty anymore. Especially since you guys aren’t on the best of terms, you don’t want her to feel like your smothering or controlling her. You haveto trust her judgement. Yes he may be a threat, but would you feel this way if you had a best friend that was a girl that you known and were close with, but that wasn’t your girlfriend. You can slays try and get to know this guy, see what you think of him. If he’s been there for her for this long he can’t be that bad right? Apologised for being cotrolling or smothering her (even if you don’t want to) explain that you feel threatened by him but you wod prefer you guys didn’t fight, becuase you hate it when you fight. Tell her you willmake an effort to get along with this guy (becuase let’s face it, who ants their best friend and boyfriend/ girlfriend to hate each other) tell her you trust her, it’s just hard to trust other guys not to want her (because she’s so georgess ovcourse) but you will try your possible best to not make her uncomfortable with her mate. Then tell her your sorry and you love her lol sorry about all the spelling I hope it goes well for you too. Funmail me I you need anymore advice on it, I’m happy to help xx indi

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