What should I do regarding kitten injections?

I’ve got a little kitten 8/9 weeks. The place where I got her has not de-flead or de-wormed her, can I do this myself of does she need to go to a vets? Also, I’ve had a lot of mixed opinions on this, some people have said she needs to be vaccinated others said she doesn’t need to be vaccinated? She’s a housecat and will only ever go out onto the balcony. Not many people visit the house that have been in contact with cats either. Help?

Answer #1

Since you have to ask…then I suggest you don’t do any of this yourself. The wormers you get at Walmart or store are crap…and toxic…the de-flea’ers are so toxic you don’t dare put them on a baby…(you should give him a bath with Dawn detergent, that will kill the adult fleas…you’ll have to do it again, when eggs hatch)…but this baby needs her shots, and a health check…by a professional. This is simply how it works when you decide to adopt a pet…it’s up to you to give this kitten the best start in life that he can have.


Answer #2

You can do it yourself, but make sure you get a treatment specially for kittens as adult treatments are stronger. There’s a treatment called frontline spot-on for fleas (there’s others too) for worming you can get tablets or you can get drops to put in the food. If you have a pet shop near you they will tell you which ones to get that are suitable for kittens.

As for vaccine, we have a house/enclosed garden cat, but my parents had ours vaccinated, and he’s insured too, I think my parents pay about £10 a month for that.

Answer #3

you need to take her to the vet and gt her vaccianted, no matter what just do wht the vets say. she will be exposed to YOU and could get you sick it dont matter whoelse but your at risk so help urself;)

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