What should I do now?

Okay well theres this guy and I told him with most friends I wouldnt go all the way but with him I would, I said this because I would prefer to be with someone who has respect for me then with someone who’s just going to end up leaving in the end. But I really want me and him to be something more then friends and he knows this but he doesnt want to be in a relationship because he doesnt know how long he’s going to be here for (because he might be moving again) he does like me and he’s the sweetest guy I know, how could I get him to make a move to ask me out? I know he wants to but I think he’s affraid of hurting me in the end if he moves but I’d prefer to get the most out of the time he is here for. I dont want him to feel pressured though.

Answer #1

If you really want to be with him then you can ask him out too. It’s not just a man’s job. And as for him moving, relationships can still work through long distance, it’s just MUCH more work than a regular relationship and those are hard enough as it is.

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