What should I do now?

Your husband wants a kid.But you’re refusing because ever since you were kid,you’ve always been afraid that you might have sexual thoughts about your kid.You know that you definitely would not act on such thoughts.And you know that would put your marriage at stake and you don’t want to do that.But your husband really and desperately wants a child so what should you do?Should you tell him or should you just have a kid or something? No,I don’t have thoughts about having sex with children but I am afraid that I might if I have a child,I have worried about this since I was a kid though.I definitely know that I wouldn’t act on something like that but the fact that I could have a thought such as that would scare me and it could be a cause for divorce later on in our marriage so I’m scared and confused right now. I want to give my husband a child but now I can’t.So what if he gets mad at me and still wants a divorce or something so either way,I’m screwed!So what do I do?Should I just give in? I want a kid really bad too but I’m afraid of me having bad thoughts.I know that you have probably seen my other question “this is a marriage question” and the reason for that is for me to know what would happen if I had those thoughts. I just don’t know if I can love a child enough.When you get pregnant,do you develope a love for the baby?I knew that I wanted kids because I wanted a family but I don’t know if I have the love that it takes for kids.I didn’t when I was younger either.Does this mean that I shouldn’t have kids?

Answer #1

First of all, its so good that your waiting and thinking it all out before just going and having kids. I think that your not the only one that feels that way, its a weird feeling, I can relate, its like your afraid of thinking about them having sex with someone and just plain weird thoughts! As long as you dont act on anything, your not going to harm anyone, the feeling will pass. I have a friend that got pregnant in college and she was definitly not ready for one, she was afraid of kids! and the further through her pregnancy she was growing attached and after he was born it took awhile but she became such a great mother. Do what feels right, sit and talk everything out with your husband because this is a big decision and he has the right to know how you feel. Good luck, listen to your heart and don’t rush anything

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