What should I do ,move on?

I liked this boy and he liked me but then he started going out with someone else.I tried to get over him but I couldn’t but if my friends asked I would say that I had got over him.Then he told me that he still really liked me so now I dont know what to do he still goes out with the girl - one of my friends.Should I move on or not I really need someone to tell me what to do cz I just dont no! HELPP!!!

Answer #1

do what your heart tells you to do

Answer #2

yes move on. I’ve been there a billion times.trust me its a lot easier and better that way

Answer #3

Yes . Move on. Because , He just wants to have you when he can. He says he still really likes you but if he really did he would ditch the other girl and be with you . &i dont know how old you are but , if he tries to kiss you it might be hard to resist, but just know when you give into him like that he’s going to think he can always have you and still go out with that other girl or anyone else he feels like.

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