What should I do, im so unhappy?

My sister asked me to sort this out for her: her stepmum dosent agree with anything she says, what should she do? Her stepmum does not listen to what she says.

Answer #1

I recently learned that when you confront someone personally and do not “attack” them in anyway. You get the best results from a conversation.

Like say “(name) I’m trying not to get mad or fight with you. I noticed that we’ve been disagreeing with eachother a lot lately. and I would like to know your side of the situation in case im missing something? Because I feel like whenever I say something you don’t exactly ACTUALLY listen to me.” (then let her respond and answer..) “Okay, I see your position..what could we change so we dont butt heads as much? Because I dont like fighting with anyone..lets just start being open/honest and start talking to eachother more often.”

If I got confronted that way..it’d be sooo much easier for me to respond to that instead of… “YOU never listen to a thing I say! I hate when you–blah blah blah…GOD.”

I hope this helped out your sister. PS—> It’d score her MAJOR maturity points. :)

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