What should I do if I can never find love?

I am lonely. I have never been in love. I never will. That is the truth.

Should I join a monastery?

Answer #1

give it time I was just like you did not think I could find some one I love but I found my girlfriend and we are realy happy together. just have to wait

Answer #2

You’re a bit young assuming this. Trust me. I was in the same boat a couple years ago. Give it a decade or two, at least.

Answer #3

Just because you’ve never been in love yet, it doesn’t mean that you never will be. Finding the right person just takes time sometimes.

You’re still young, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. If you’d like to expand your horizon, though, why not pick up on some extra curricular activities? By being more social, you open more doors up.

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