What should I do if I am shy and quiet?

I am in 8th grade and moved very far away from my old home. I am kinda shy and small for my age I am not the prettiest person and I dont really know how to meet new people. What should I do?

Answer #1

Try to be as nice as possible. Trust me, I feel you’re pain, but hey, just do you’re best! Don’t worry what people think of you, and be kind! :D The first week or two, you might not make any friends, and I know how hard it is, but you will make them. :) If someone makes a comment to you, just ignore them, and don’t get to worked up over it. ^_^ You’re plenty beautiful the way you are, and you seem like a really nice girl, so just give it you’re all. ^.^ People can be really mean, but if they’re mean to you, just think of it this way;; They don’t deserve to be your friend! Another hint; Don’t be afraid to make small talk! A lot of people are shy around people they don’t know, and I’m sure they’re shy to talk to you too. Try to find common interests! Hrmmm… another thing, try to think of some icebreakers. :) People love to talk about themselves has well, so try asking them what they did over the weekend, or their favorite color or something like that. Even if it sounds like a stupid question, go for it!!! :D <3 Hope I helped, and hope you make friends. hehe, I feel your pain, I’ve been to 12 different schools, and I’m in the same grade as you!

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