What should I do hmm... Drop him like a hot potato? Or wait?

I’m 14, in high school. And obviously crushing on someone. So my lunch recently got switched. Now, I sit with this guy I like. Well, I knew he liked me. But then I told him that I just wanted to stay friends. Recently, I told him the opposite. I told him I liked him, and I wanted to be more than friends. Well, he agreed and said yes. I told my mom I basically asked him out, she got upset lol. Apprently he’s supposed to be the one to ask me out. Well I mean I had to ask him out, because I told him otherwise previously. He still said he was going to ask me out anyway. Then, last sunday, he said he wanted to be friends and get to know each other a little bit more before we date. I agreed, and was perfectly fine with it. But now, I’m starting to think he isn’t interested in me at all. He doesn’t return my texts, if so, he’s busy. I’m confused, and I’m receiving mixed signals. What should I do? I wanna see how it progresses… But I’m not quite sure.. P.s. At lunch I get nervous around him, so I kinda avoid him. How do I help that problem too?

Answer #1

I agree. if he is being like that then he isn’t worth it you can do better than him. Keep looking if you are wanting a relationship.

Answer #2

Well it’s as simple as this, he wanted you, then when you fianly wanted him back he had already moved on! just drop him like hes hot!

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