What should I do? He might like me?!?

So I added one of my friends boyfriends on a social site yesterday and we havent stopped talking since. I’m kinda getting scared because he says stuff like I make him happy…ect. And hes hot and all but I don’t wanna hurt her. (He lives in a diff state and is 2 years older) What should I do?

Answer #1

If this really bothers you, it may be best to just take a few steps back. If you plan on talking to him more, though, then I think that you need to make sure that there are clear boundaries set. Those boundaries could include:

  • Don’t flirt.
  • Don’t call him on the phone.
  • Don’t meet up with him unless your friend will be there also.
  • Limit the time that you both talk so that you’re not spending hours together at once.

What you do is entirely up to you boundary wise, but those are just some ideas. Again, if you DO plan on still talking to him, think it through carefully and think about boundaries that will work for you and help. If you’d rather take a few steps back, do so and see how it goes.

Take care.

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