What should I do, ghosts? #2?

I know this is probably the longest question in the history of f.a but please read and help me

Ok I know you all gave me advice on what to do I called the man about the girl and he did his thing and told me to do some stuff which I followed very carefully but nothing happened shes still here. Only last night she gave me a vision while I was in bed a flash of light and I was in a maternity ward there was blood every were on the floor, roof walls everywhere I looked there was blood. I walked on through the place and I saw a window there was a woman crying in there she had baracaded her self in she was hold a dead baby she looked up and I saw her face scared bruised and yellow, mask like thoughtless she said “he wasent the only one to die here, they all did they all died”. Then she screamed a loud inhuman scream high pitched and echoing I felt I was going to die then she lunged at the window not breaking through it and killing me but hitting it face first I remember the blood splatering on the window when she hit it and when I looked at the place she should have been all I could see was blood and the corpse of the baby. Then I woke up but as I rolled over on my other side she was there the girl but not the same as in the last vision I told you all about she was more life like not etheral like last time and her dress was a shade of scarlet red she said in a whisper “they hurt me you know in this place”. I dont know what she meant by it but I know now she is not try to hurt me but she tells me things as I have the visions sometimes she’s beside me in them some times she’s in me she is a traumatised girl I know by her eyes blank and sad she told me that when she was 15 the house we lived in burnt down (I knew this we lived in the rebuilt place) she told me she died she was the only to die in the fire then after that she said “forgive me… Cassandra wade” what is this am I mad should I be put in a mental hospital im not dreaming at least not the encounters were I see her but the visions arent real I dont think more of a hallusination created by her to explane some thing I dont know but she hasent tried to hurt kill or harm me or my family in any way I just need to know what I can do for her I dont know weather she wants something of me or…

Answer #1

next time you see her ask her what she wants from you she should answer if everything fails and you all cant stop having the visions leave the house and find a new one because the problems will most likley go away when you leave

Answer #2

My suggestion: Tell this girl to go to the light. Tell her if she has died in a fire in the previous house she no longer belongs on this earth plain and needs to go to the other side to be with her family and ones that love her. It sounds as if she is stuck here. It could take a while to convince her. Just remember that you are stronger than any ghost because you are in dense energy form…they are not. I would surround myself with the white light and ask Spirit for protection and guidance as well as to how to help her get home with ones that love her. That is just what I would try.

You could also find someone in your area, perhaps from a Church that would help you.

Answer #3

maybe go online to find a site about the paranormal, They can probly help her because this spirit is obviously looking for help. Or you can go to a local church and ask the pastor to help. I dont know too much bout this stuff so thats the best advice I have lol. Good Luck :)

Answer #4

That’s not a good spirit, but its not a bad one either. I wish I could see it for myself, but its hard for me to say. In any case you need to find out who the girl is, and if she indeed did die in the house fire. If she is the spirit of a girl that died in a fire, her horrifying emotions could be being transferred through you and your parents. The dream can be a few things but it might be a amplified vision of her pain. But like I said, first see if there was a death in that fire.

Answer #5

have you told your parents about these visions already?

Answer #6

yes yes I have they have had similar things happen in there mind to

Answer #7

Hey please do not converse with this spirit. it is not good for you at all. I can offer you two advices. if you see it again. command it to leave in Jesus name. all you have to say is “Leave this house in the name of Jesus Christ”

  1. the other thing is for you to change your lifestyle becasue obviously satan is trying to hurt you. anything that is good for you wont be so terribly disturbing. so you will need to pray to the God of the Bible in Jesus name. talk to him like you are talking to a friend. just tell Him how you feel about this situation and what you would like for Him to do. you need to read the bible everyday. stay away from weeji board, horror movies, porn, rock and heavy metal music.

I am praying for you. Ok.

Answer #8

Ok…if it were me I would be asking her what she wants from you. But…be prepared for her to answer you.

There are few ways you could go about getting rid of her.

You can do it the bombastic religious way which included lots of anoited oil, holy water, speaking in tongues, pleading the blood and Jesus and casting out of demons.

BIG WARNING HERE: If you do this…make sure you CAST OUT the demons first BEFORE pleading the blood of Jesus all over every thing. From what I had been told was that if you dont get rid of them before you plead the blood then you will be shutting them in and then you CANT get rid of them. Make the sign of the cross with the oil or water on ALL doors and windows of the house.

(Ok..I dont know that I believe any of this. This is just things I have heard in my travels on earth.)

You could light some candles, burn some incense, burn some bundles of rosemary or something like that and “smudge” the house. Speaking softly and kindly to the spirit and telling it to go into the light. To go to heaven. That it is time for it to go and its safe for it to go.

You could ask a priest to come pray over the house.

Crazy…I know.

Answer #9

hey bro that house isnt safe for human.. that is a true ghost… I experienced such things in my childhood years we had to leave the house ..but know what you are in a trap, a spiritual trap.. its gonna be hard for you to get out of it,,even if you try she will create conditions, that will stop you from going anywhere.. there is only one name I use to stop what I always saw..JESUS…the first time I wasn’t confident I was attacked at night ..they asked me why I called the name.. this is not your its his battle to handle…no ghost is friendly brother.. they want to use you there way and later you are gonna be the one… dont listen do any thing she says.. just call Jesus confidently and ask him to take control.. she might hurt you but Jesus will come in before any major harm…he will save you faster..but if you keep listening to her you are creating an environment for her to subdue you.. she has greater power than you do but the greatest power is in the name of Jesus …I wih I could explain for you this much better..this is deeper than you are seeing bro

Answer #10

ok it may be stupid but i think it is a demon not a ghost or a ghost posessed by a demon so you should be carefully not like me …i started taunting him and then ….. Bam !! I started acting crazy and looking crazy …it was a horrible experience ,so try a ouija table it may be risky but still you will know what to do ..i wish you good luck and watch the shadows…

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