What should I do, ghosts?

sry this might be long but help me anyway please. So last night I was in bed and I had to go to the toilet (I’ve know that my house had something paranormal about it since we moved in but) I go up to go and when I went in the hall the bathroom door was out of reach and was extending out of rech like in a subway system then I heard a girl (about 8 ish years old) say in like a whisper that echoed like in a hall “Dont let them hurt me” so I said “who, who wants to hurt you” just as I said the at the end of the hall se was walking towards me she was wearing a forgetmenot blue dress and as she came closer she was setting things on fire the windows exploded and the doors burst open and I closed my eyes and counted to ten and when I oppened them she was gone and the bathroom door was right in front of my face after that I have been having other “Moments” such as that so what can I do im scared can she hurt me?

Answer #1

I’m no expert but they could and could not hurt you, just as a reference “paranormal activity” is good to watch do the total opposite of whatever they did!! Demons do hurt you, to keep demons out here are a few things I know you can do; spread kosher salt around the house and where ever you don’t want them, do not ask some to “come in” because that is an invitation to the bad energy also, don’t give in if your sacred don’t act like it because demons feed off the negative energy, and finely don’t try and communicate with it cause that is asking it to exit heaven, hell, or whatever purgatory it is in and come into your world. If it is a good spirit it is the spirit of a little girl who died traumatically do the same things as above and no matter if your religious or not pray for it (not with it!! For it) and you should be fine but don’t over look the fact that your conscious could be playing tricks on you maybe go see a doctor about your sleep if nothing is wrong there then it could be a real spirit. If all else fails move I guess cause ghosts are something that have never been accurately proven so it is give or take. Good luck!!

Answer #2

maybe your delusional lol or however you spelll it and maybe there was high electrical energy mixed wiht you being so tired you could have been just seeing things

Answer #3

hmm sounds werid but try a wigi bored and get another person to help you cause you cant do it alone and ask it why it tourchring you and let it know your not afraid of it tell it you will leave it alone if it leave you alone but try not to get it mad hope it helps

Answer #4

thank you guys I thank you all a lot but I dont think I was dreaming. it was just to real to be a dream I know it sounds like I am on drugs but im 13 so im not but I dont think I was dreaming her face was just like a mask blank and she looks a bit yellow like when you have a liver condition and she was bloody like she had been hacked with an axe but it was more her feet that were bloody no where else really but she scared me and as I said, after this one… “vision” thing I have had more. One in particular has happened more than once were im walking in hotel and I can hear laughing not a giant Bmuwahahaha but a little giggle. then a big flash of white light and she is there the girl but she says the same thing “Dont let them hurt me”, “I know who you are” and “why did you come” my mum said she will take me to the doctors :)

Answer #5

though im not sure if I beleive wether this is real or you were dreaming, making it up, ect if she said “‘dont let them hurt me”‘ shes probably worried of soemone hurting her I dont think shed hurt you look up the history of the house your in if you can perhaps there was a fire or someone set the place on fire and the little girl was in there at the time and died in the fire? she may have been showing you were the people set the place on fire or were it started? or perhaps shes just twisted and is trying to scare the sh*t out of you to make you leave the house if you want you could try getting a paranormal investigator in to tell you wether the spirit is evil or not

Answer #6

were you doing drugs at the time?

Answer #7

Are you sure you weren’t dreaming?

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