What should I do for her present?

I were breaking up with a girl two years ago, because she moved and studied abroad, and she said that she wanted to start a new life in there and try to focus on her subject in the university. I can’t follow her, because I had a lot of reason to stay. but before she went, I promised her that someday I will be there for her and stay for her. Last october, I tried to send her a gift on her b’day, but she denied to give me her new address, so I wasted my payphone to call her on her b’day, but It seemed that she didn’t expect me to call anymore because she is really want to forget me. So what I should do for her b’day this year (this October!!), just to show her that I still miss her.. please, give me an advice, as soon as possible, thank you so much for caring about this…

Answer #1

It appears she desires to move on - I think you would be wise to do the same…Good luck !!

You might try: perfectmatch.com

Answer #2

love love love.. try searching her university for a close friend that could help you set her up and meet her ..that would be the best thing ..being able to tell her how much you care.. one night and everything will change..

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