What should I do about my cat?

I GOT A 2 MONTHS OLD CAT AND I DONT KNOW HOW 2 GET HER USED 2 ME … I GOT HER THIS LITTLE CAGE JUST SO SHE CAN GET USED to me and stop running away from me every time I come close… she doesnt even answer buy her name I’ve had her for 3 days shes too playful and wont sit still and I dont want her to run away so I always have to close the door for her incase she doesnt run away when will we be able to let her go out and she wont run away and how do I train her to use her litter box can I give her a bath ? help please

Answer #1

Yay! Kitty!

First of all, she’s 2 months old- she’s still just a very little baby. She might have been taken away from her mother too young, and this can be highly unsettling for a kitten. To help settle her in, I’d leave the cage there, but leave the door open rather than closing her in. Let her explore the house one room at a time. Once she’s built up confidence in one room, open up another room coming off from that room, and gradually keep going until she knows the whole house. When you want to introduce her to the outdoors, I recommend getting a harness for her, so you can let her explore, but pull her back if she goes too far.

Cats often warm to you more once they realise you’re the one who controls the food. I suggest you take a small piece of chicken, or a kitten treat between your fingers. Call her, make sure she can see what you have. This helps her to get to know her name, and know that you’re the one who feeds her.

Because she’s so young, she will be very playful- that’s normal. Let her play and explore as much as possible- this is crucial in getting her to understand this is her new home. She will also get tired easily, and find places to curl up and sleep. when this happens, you can reach down and stroke them, making soothing noises or talking in a soothing voice. It lets them know you mean them no harm. Because she’s so young, she won’t respond to routine right away, but you can gradually train her into sleeping at night (you’ll find she sleeps at odd hours right now), when it’s time to eat, etc.

Toilet training- usually, leave the litter box somewhere easily visible. Usually they scratch around and figure it out. If they go somewhere in the house, move their little “present” into the litter box. They usually find their toilet place by smell, so clean up the area you found it, and usually they go to where they smell their last mess. After a while, they know this is their toilet place. Don’t expect miracles straight away. Remember, she’s just a baby.

Finally, bathing- it can be done, and the earlier you introduce them to it, the better. Fill a basin with warm water, about body temperature. You can get pet shampoo at most pet stores. To keep her in the tub while you do it, keep a firm but gentle grip on the scruff of her neck. Gently stroke the shampoo in, talk soothingly the whole time to her. When it comes to drying time, DRY HER THROUGHLY!!! Use towels and a hair dryer turned to a warm setting. It’s important to dry them throughly, as they can get chills very easily.

Hope this info helps. Just remember you’ll both have to get used to each other. Show you can be kind and she’ll respond. Good luck!!!

Answer #2

Congratulations on your new kitty! Give her time to get used to her new surroundings - it won’t take long. Take her to the litter box to show her where it is…let her paw around and she’ll do what comes naturally.

Personally, I wouldn’t keep her in a cage…I’d let her explore around the house. (Wouldn’t let her go outdoors though.)

She’ll eventually learn her name and trust you. Have fun with her and good luck!

Answer #3

Aww. I love kitties! Congrats!

Hold your kitten but when she wants to go explore, let her. Don’t obssess about it though. Which means don’t hold her ALL THE TIME. Let her explore and let her come to you. I got my kitten when he was 7 weeks old. So he was bout the same age as your kitty. Frankee, my kitty, got used to me after the first night. He slept on my bed with me that night and he’s loved me to death ever since. But all kittens are different. Some may take a while. My other cat took a week to get used to us. Though, she was A LOT older. Like, 5 maybe. But yeah.

Answer #4

Great answer lex icon! You answered far better than I did!

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