What should I do about this guy??

Ok..So I have known this guy for 5 years and we went out when we were 12 and we went out a lot and then we broke up and we have been friends on and off since. For about a twoyears I have liked him and he has liked me back a few times. The only reason he wont go out with me is because he is scared about what other people will say and hes scared that people might diss him. Im sick of it I just want to be with him. We have met up and done stuff aswell. Is he worth my time?? What do I do?? Please help me!!

Answer #1

Yes I agree but the thing is since I habe known him for so long he is such a big part of my life and I dont know if I would be able to handle loosing him. This is such a difficult situation. Arghh so confused!! :/

Answer #2

It seems like such a hard thing to do!! But I do think I should try it because there are so many ohter guys out there that want to be with me but I dont want anything to do with them because I dont think they are as good as the other guy!! When im with him he makes me happy.. and when im away from him I miss him so much he is a big part of my life but mayb this is the right thing for me to do even though it is going to hurt!! Thankyou you give good advice and it is better coming from someone who has been in the same situation!! I really don’t want to go on like that for another 5 years but he makes me happy a lot of the time!! But I will see what happens thankyou so much!

Answer #3

It is a difficult situation., I’ve been in your shoes and the best thing to do is to stop talking to him or seeing him for some time., maybe later on when he sees that he doesn’t have you he will miss you and want to be with you., you don’t want to be hurting all the time when you could find someone that will want to be with you and will male you happy., you don’t want to be around someone that makes you upset and that doesn’t want to be with you bc of fear if what people might say., you are young and will find someone in the future that’s better than him., it’s going to be hard but you have to move on.. Do you really want to continue like this for 5 more years??

Answer #4

Yes he is wasting your time.. If he is too worried about what other people might say or think then he doesn’t really like you. When a guy likes you he wants to be with you all the time and he doesn’t care what others might think. Also if you are doing sexual stuff with him he might just be using you. It seems like he comes back to you bc he knows you will take him and he can do sexual stuff with you.. So this is what you need to do, tell him that you really like him and that if he’s not going to be with you as a couple then you are going to move on bc you don’t want to be wasting your time and thst you have other guys that would love to be in a relationship with you., if he still says he’s not sure about you 2 then forget about him, move on and find someone else.. Don’t worry sooner or later you will find someone

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