What should I do about this girl I like?

so theres this girl I like, lets call her B. and I’ve liked her for a while. she’s in one of my classes at school, and used to flirt with me A LOT!!! a little while ago I accidentally liked some random post on her a social site wall, and she started to ignore me… so I sent her a a social site message like “oh srry I did that bla bla bla” and now I look like a total sketch… what should I do? please help me!

Answer #1

tell her how you feel, you say she flirted with you a lot than she probably likes u. U’ve said sorry and if telling you how you feel doesn’t resolve it than u’ve tried now move on. you sound like a good guy so there’s plenty of other girls out there.

Answer #2

I’m gonna have to agree with wrbriggs just tell her how you feel and if she doesn’t feel the same just forget her life is shorter than we all think

Answer #3

Just be open and honest to her about your feelings. If she continues to ignore you, move on. Life’s too short, man.

Answer #4

hahaha calm down! its not a big deal that you liked her post. she probly likes you anyway.

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