What should I do about this?

A friend of mine is having some problems with her boyfriend who is away. While hes been gone me and my friend went to a dance and now her boyfriend is very angry more with me that with her, saying I let her cheat on him when really no such thing had happened.

Right now hes making some low blows to hurt me and sadly enough they kinda are working.

I dont know what to do.

Does any one have any advice for me?

Answer #1

stay away from him, ignore what he’s doing (that means don’t respond to what he’s doing) and tell your friend that he’s overly paranoid. He doesn’t trust her, but he’s taking it out on you–which isn’t fair to you. Tell her that you’re staying out of it, and maybe even mention to her what he’s doing to you. If she’s a good friend, she’ll really consider what he’s done to you and then act accordingly on it.

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