what should i do about these guys.

haha so this is kinda a weird thing to ask fer advice on so im bad at explaining stuff so bear w/ me

but i noticed that alot of the time i just get attention from black guys im not racist but some black guys make me uncomfortable most of them just want some from me haha and i find im not atttracted to black guys either but then sometimes i dont mind getting attention from them im not sure what to do & im not gonna lie alot of black guys all look the same to me they dontt intrest me at all & it seems like they all try to pressuree me into like giving them blowjobs but they claim there nice guys but then theres a few that are nice & they like me but idk how to tell me i dont like black guys w/ outt sounding bitchy gah im so confused

Answer #1

Uhm you sound racist to me, the fact that they are scum has nothing to do with their skin color, You’ve literally never seen an attractive black man in your life…hard to believe…Either you like the attention or don’t?

Guy’s usually only pressure girls who they think will be easy…

If it really bothers you that much then just tell them instead of flirting or w.e because you will just give them the wrong idea, if your so confident that saying that your not interested in black guys doesn’t make you racist, then you should be confident enough to just say it to their faces

And this topic only irks me because I hear or see things like that all the time about black women, and I’m tired of people judging me based on my skin, try looking past the skin color hun and seeing the people…

Instead of blaming the guys you should be asking your self why you are around so many of these kinds of guys hmm…

Answer #2

I know how you feel. I used to have the same problem, but then some things happend with this one guy and he was half black. Never thought i’d ever like a black guy, not cause im racist, i even have a cousing that’s black, but like you said, they all kinda look alike. It’s kinda weird once you date a black guy you look at them differently, they all of a sudden don’t seem to look alike. However just tell them that you just want to be friends. Don’t mention any thing about their color. And make sure that you do talk to them like any other guy. They shouldn’t feel bad. Some guys you like and some you just want to stay friends with. Maybe if you friend flirt with them once in awhile they won’t feel your being a bitch. Like not flirting like i’m into you but flirting like you think their cool but don’t want to go any further. -So hope that helps, your kinda in a sucky situation- Hopefully that will help

Answer #3

No body should be talking you into blow-jobs…..I don’t care what color they are……You are your own person…make good decsions for yourself in life.

Answer #4

Just date with whom you’d like. Don’t determine it by race, but on the guy himself.

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