What should I do about theese laads ?

rite it was quite a while ago now but I did things wid a laad adhe told all his mates now there all asking me to meet up wid them like im a prostatute they even offer to pay and I dont like that how do I get them to stop?? and theres this laad I like and he likes me but wont admit it and he’s heard al the storys and rumours and he still likes me but e doesnt talk to me as much ): what should I doo ??? pleasee helpp (:

thank youu!

Answer #1

well… why do you think he likes you? yes, exactly ;)

to get them to stop asking asking if you wanna meet them for some kincky times a full on 2 words spring to mind that you need to tell them and thats ‘fxcx off!!’

if not just go to your head master and report them as being abusive ;)

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