What should I do about my thick hair?

Ok so im 15 (guy) have dark brown hair, kinda long just past my eyebrows, curly only at the hairline, and it gets really poofy when I work out or dont put gel in it. What sould I do to make it less poofy and thick. I dont want it strait, I like it a little curly. Asnwers please

Answer #1

Hair salons have special scissors called thinning shears made to thin your hair out. When I was younger, I had really thick poofy hair and my hairdresser suggested using those to thin it out a little. It works, but unless you get your hair done often, you may just make matters worse. When you thin your hair out with the thinning shears, it makes your hair thinner until it starts to grow back out and then the little hairs underneath push the hair upward and outward as they grow, making your hair poofy again…or something like that. At least that’s what one hairdresser lady told me once. lol Maybe just use hair gel or wax to create soft waves that don’t frizz and try using a smoothing shampoo. I use Sauve Sleek…it’s really cheap, smells good (not overly girly!!) and actually makes my curly hair smoother, with or without gel. Plus, when you’re working out who cares how your hair looks? :)

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