What Should I Do About My Ex

Ihad a good boyfriend.We talked about evry thing. We had a good relationship.He have a 2 year old son and I have a bsby on the way soon.April 08 2006 ago I find out that he go back with his baby mother.So I text him on his cell phone to say hey, 2 hour s later I get a text back saying:Stop telling my man you dum bitch.I get mad and call his phone.Call 3 times but no one picked up the phone.He text me back saying:We cant talk no more. End of us ok.I didn’t know what to say.I cALLED back but he cut his phone off & get a new number.I never did anything to hurt this boy at all.I Just dont know what to. My feeling are hurt bad

Answer #1

I’ve been done wrong in the past as well. An now i share my world with you when i tell you he probably wasnt worth it. There are better people out there for you. What you did wrong was let your guard down and trusted him with your heart and what did he do, he stepped on it. One day he’ll be just a distant memory than wont be worth remembering. Keep your head up sweetheart, the best is yet to come

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