what should I do about my boyfriend?

I have been saying this guy for nearly 3 months not long I know but, I have completely fallen for him but I dont think he really cares anymore as the longer we have been togeather the more things change. he always flirts with other girls & I hate it so much. he always looks at porn stars on the internet and all but am I just worrying or what? please help me. shud I end it? please help thanks xx

Answer #1

Why would you stay with someone you know in your heart isnt all that into you? He sounds very immature, and very disrespectful towards you. Sex doesnt make a relationship Hun!

Answer #2

I’ll say end it 3 months and he’s already checking out other girls and watching porn.He has no respect for you if he is doing those stuff.So better end it now before your feelings grow stronger and theres no way out.

Answer #3

thanks. & I forgot to mension he even sends the porn stars hes looking at to me on msn and phones me up making orgasm noises! and we have also had sex. maybe I shoudn’t end it?

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