What should I do about my bff?

I have been best friends with my bestfrioed for 4 years… and she hardly comes over.. except one time a week… We never hang out after school and we never hang out at school because we are in different grades… so we cant… WE PRATICALLY NEVER HANG OUT!.. I told her that I think me calling her my bff is jsut a title because she doesnt back it up… and I just wanna be friends… ( It doesnt sound like a bad thing but it is for us) and sshe said she cant do anything about it because its her parents fault… I understood that but everytime we talk about this she says she will talki t thme.. and nothing ever changes.. So I would just like to know if I should tell her I still just wanna be her friend.. Or give her a altermadom… Say Euther we need to hang out more or we cant be bffs… SO HELP ME PLEASE!!

Answer #1

The best thing to do is not talk about not being friends. The thing that will probably happen is you two will start hanging out with new people and move on with you lives. I have had many bffs!

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