What should I do about being date-raped?

I’m 15 and I stayed at a lock-in with my boyfriend, We were both tired so he left and went to my house and I got a ride from his best friend about an hour later. I lived 30 minutes from where the lock-in was. I fell asleep on the way back to my house because it was 7 in the morning (and still dark outside) And I woke up to him pinning me down and the next thing I knew I had this burning feeling and he was in me.. I got out of the car on a busy highway and he left and I called my boyfriend to come get me.. I missed my period and I’m having dizzy spells and excruciating head aches.. how should I tell my mother and am I pregnant or what? I need some commetns and opinions. :(

Answer #1

first you need to go to the police sweetie an dif you were burning he give you sumthing

Answer #2

first you need to report this to the police remember that nothing that happened was your fault, it was his but your in a better position than most women in your situation have been because you know who your attacker is and you you can report him and they can arrest him do this asap because the longer you leave it the less likley they are to be able to proove that he raped you (unfortunant but true) then tell your mother what happened, she will no doubt offer her love, support and advice through this difficult time if you do turn out to be pregnant you have a few options if its been less than 3 days (72 hours) you can get the morning after pill if its been longer your opions are abortion, adotion or keeping the baby you might also want to tell your partner what happened, if hes good he will also help you through this and protect you and obviously keep well away from the guy who did this to you, and avoid places were you know he will be also delete him from your phone,social networking site,ect if you have him there I hope this helped a bit

Answer #3

Why must so many f’ing guys have to be such f’ing jerks, gives us a bad name =(, I hope you get better darling and call the police and definatly tell parents they are biggest help, and tell your boyfriend to beat the shit out of the guy for me please :( I hope for the best. o and you know the rapists name you need to give that to the cops

Answer #4

Heyy darll you should tell the police but defenatly tell your mother she is your closest friend and would be there for you you are proabably in shock depending on when it happend within 3 days you could take the mourning after pill or go to docs befor it is too late…

Good uck and sorry to here yet another male is a idiot

Answer #5

u need to go to your mom fast! and tell your mom what happen so she can help you because the jerk shouldnt have done that

Answer #6

I think that you should just tell her what happend snd she will understand snd see what she can do for u

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